
Outer shape pattern

Depend on the function of kitchen, I have two options of outer shape.
Option 1 - kitchen in the centre and sliace plan then pull it to different way, like windmill.
Question : 
1. Structure possibility? construction, material
2. How to deal with open space?
Pull shape reduces the internal space and larger open space between wings. How to solve the open and close construction will be a big problem.

Option 2 - Kitchen in the end of container. Use two container, one is basis request with kitchen and 8 seats, the other is extended space. Therefore, no matter good or bad weather, kiosk will not be influenced and could change kiosk size to make different light plan.

1. If I want to pull outer shape become curve, how to hold on the structure on the top and fix the bottom? Farbic is possible? <like xylophone>
2. If I use outer wall pattern to control light plan, what kind of pattern would not be boring when I sit inside the kiosk?
3. Slide truck design suppose should be inside the container's contruction, it would avoid exposure the truck on the outer wall.

To be honest, I pretty like first one...but option 2 is more practical in this period. Ha~~
