
Site research - climate

After previous tutorial,  I realized that function and purpose are the most important things in design process. First of all, without function to fulfill client requirements, even you design awesome shape, it could be useless. The next is purpose, every changes in your design must have a reason and research support it. It's not easy, so I start to review my project.-How do I locate my kiosk in the old market square? and Why.
In the begining, I put kiosk in the most busy area as below image.

If I include climate factor, especially in Nottingham the days of rainfall great than sunshine. Obiously, kiosk suppose toward the east-south could get the most sunshine.

New kiosk location:

reference website: Met Office http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/averages/19812010/sites/sutton_bonington.html
